Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Stormy Summer Day

A huge storm is approaching. I am disconnected from the power right now and using the battery. The lightening and winds are terrible. It's so dark out, it's like night time. I am sure the rains are coming soon. This happened earlier today as well. That thunder is so fierce sounding! Now it looks like rain for Friday as well. We are just batting zero when it comes to getting to the amusement park this yr! I feel so bad for the kids. It's really not our fault though, can't control the weather.

I got my new tires this morning. OUCH! They are expensive for a big SUV. Oh well, I should be set for a while. How far the tire places have come! They had computer stations in there for you to use, big LCD TV, gourmet coffee center and wirless WiFi so I played with my Ipod while I waited. I went on You Tube and sent John a few matches to a game we have. I played Scrabble and you can guess how long I was there! They told me an hour, so I said I would wait. That hour turned into almost 3 hours!

A new grocery store opened up about 5 minutes or so away. They have some amazing deals! I am thinking about going and checking them out after dinner tonight. I am always up for a good deal. We go through a lot of groceries in this house!

Dinner tonight is sausage and peppers. The kids really like that and it's something everyone eats. Even Gabriella, my meat hater, eats that!

Dominic is at work. There is no way there is going to be a game in this. Oh my the lightning and thunder that is out there now, it's horrible! I just hope he's in a safe covered place up there! I can't help but worry about them when they aren't here with me. Things used to be so easy when they were all little and accounted for, but as bittersweet as it is, I know it's part of being a parent....watching your children grow up.

Well Nikolas and Gabriella are bored. I guess I am going to go and read to them for a while.
Happy Hump Day everyone!

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