Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lazy Day

I don't know why but this has been such a lazy day so far. I am having a hard time getting motivated here. The sun comes out for 5 minutes and then it's cloudy for the next 20 minutes. Hey, at least it's not raining. I am sitting here now watching Hell's Kitchen from last night. Gabriella is "reading" books to herself. I offered to read to her, but she said she wanted to do it herself. She's so independent!

Dinner tonight is country fried chicken with country gravy, mashed potatoes and I think corn. Sometimes I just don't feel like cooking, but we have to eat! It's odd because I would much prefer make a big dinner like a roast or a turkey breast than say something like tacos. I love eating tacos but hate making them!

Last night John and I were in the pool with the kids for about 2 hours. We had a lot of fun with them! Nikolas and Gabriella are really enjoying the pool this year. I just wish we had a better summer. It's hard to believe it but I will be starting to close the pool one short month from now. I have kept it open after school starts back before, but usually the kids don't get to swim in it much at that time so it's a lot of money for chemicals and a lot of upkeep to swim in it once or twice only during those few weeks. It will be even harder this yr because with them all going to school, they won't be home til after 3:00 and then homework etc.

I told you all about my ordeal with the cable and cable box yesterday. Well I had to drive to the cable company a few towns over and saw the funniest thing on the way! There was someone selling a used toilet AND flop ear bunnies on the side of the road! Shaina and I were just laughing and laughing! What would posess someone to sell their used toilet? Interesting, I tell you that! What would even be more would be to see the person that actually buys that toilet!

Alex made two friends in the neighborhood. He's so happy! He's been playing with them in our yard, he's been playing with them in their yard, they have been riding bikes together, playing baseball, freeze tag......oh just a whole bunch of fun stuff for a 10 yr old (or almost 10 yr old). I am happy for them because these two boys will actually be in his grade at school. Even if he doens't end up in their classroom, at least he will recognize a familiar face at lunch. This is making the transition a little easier.

Well it's time to get off here and go out in the yard and play. Gabriella is starting to get antsy!

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