Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's Been a While

It's been quite a while since I posted. I feel like there are so many things to do and so little time anymore. We finished up with school. It was kind of a bittersweet feeling. I enjoyed having the kids home with me these past two yrs but at the same time I do know it is important they go out and form friendships etc. This is going to be a tough yr with Nikolas going off to kindergarten. Dropping them off at St. Stan's was just different. They knew kids already, I knew the principal, but I keep telling myself lots of other kids do this and everything will be OK.

Oh gosh, where do I start. First of all everyone is feeling fine! I know last time I started posting that Nikolas got sick, then I got it and Ella and on and on....we are all now and have been healthy for a while now.

Ok, Victoria turned 13 yrs old. I can't believe it! Another teenager in the house! John and I are getting so old! We had a small family party with her. I got her a cake with a horse on it. She really seems to be into horses now. We gave her money and with all the money she accumulated she had enough to buy her mini laptop. We ordered one the very next morning and it should actually be shipping today. She wanted a pink one and that is what she got! Oh and want to talk about big spenders? Dominic actually put $50 in a card for her! Wow, what a great big brother. For so many yrs I thought those two were going to be the worst of enemies and now they are the best of friends...most times that is good, sometimes not so good!

Summer is here but it certainly hasn't felt like it. It's been raining most of the time and the temps have been terrible! The south is looking better and better to us every day! Maybe one day!

Dominic got a job at the stadium and seems to really like it. He has met a lot of nice kids there too! He's been saving a lot of his money so I have been happy to see that too! It's a great first job! He works, yet he has 8 or 9 days off in a row to just be a kid, so that is pretty cool!

Gabriella has been a holy terror lately! Forget the terrible two's it's the trying three's! That kid has so much energy! Yesterday I was taking a bath and she managed to get into the bathroom and dump a plastic container of Hot Wheels/Matchbox cars all over me! The thing is I jumped up but it didn't phase her at all! She's so spunky though and she has the most adorable smile!

Well I guess that is it for now. I have so much to write but I have so many things to do here too. I am going to try to get so much better with keeping up. I did this so I would be able to look back and remind myself of things I might forget daily, but of course I forgot to post on here too!
I am going to be better this time around though! :)

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