Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Promises, Promises

Promises, promises! I know! I have been a horrible blogger lately! I do have all good intentions of getting on here and writing things down and it just doesn't seem to happen. Ok, updates!

Well picture to the left shows us having fun outside on our last snow day from school. That was last week. I was king of hoping we would have another today because we had so much fun out there that day, but nothing! It's snowing lightly and there is a dusting on the ground but the roads are just wet. Before we know it winter should be over and hopefully then we will be on our way to a nice warm, sunny spring! I can't wait til summer time! I am looking forward to opening the pool and playing in the yard with the kids. I am sure it will be chaotic, but fun chaotic! This is the last summer that Dominic will be home before preparing for college. I thought about this time for years now and next yr it will be finally sinking in that he is REALLY growing up!

Speaking of growing up, Victoria has been bugging for highlights for a while now. I was very iffy on getting them for her because my fear was that she would look 18 and not 13 and I didn't want that to happen. Well I finally decided to go along with it and let her do it and I am happy with the outcome. It's pretty, subtle and she's very happy! I look at her though and I can't believe this is my little girl! Sorry for the sideways picture but I have to figure out how to put them the right way up!?
What else? Alex has the stomach bug last week. It was horrible while it lasted but luckily was over in about 12 hours. Nobody else got it yet and I am keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way!
I guess that is about it for now. I am really going to try to get better about posting on here soon!